The following Covid-19 Health and Wellness Policies apply to all children, parents/guardians and the child care provider.

The daycare will be adapting to implement public health and infection control measures, which will include staying home when ill, physical distancing when possible, minimized physical contact, hand hygiene, and frequent cleaning and disinfection.

It has been recommended by health officials that children with underlying health concerns DO NOT attend child care setting during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Children and staff who are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 may return to daycare after the appropriate quarantine period of 5 days for a vaccinated individual or 10 days for an unvaccinated individual.

Symptoms of Covid-19:
Temperature of 37.4 C (99.4F) or higher
Runny nose/green or yellow discharge from nose

Eye redness/Discharge
Rash/Discoloration of fingers or toes/Blisters
Muscle Aches
Shortness of Breath
Sore Throat
Stiff Neck
Loss of Appetite, Taste or Smell


A child is required to stay home if any person who lives in their household has any of the listed Covid-19 symptoms.

If parents choose not to have their child tested, they MUST keep the child home for a minimum of 10 days and the child must be free of symptoms before returning to care. There will be no refunds offered.

                         ***THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS***

Should your child get sick while at daycare, parents will be contacted immediately and required to pick up their child in a timely manner.  The child will be placed in a safe area away from the other children.  The child may return to daycare after their quarantine period and when they are feeling well enough to fully participate in the daycare activities.

Drop Off/ Pick Up
In adherence with social distancing protocols, we are allowing only one family at the daycare entrance at a time. If you arrive at the daycare and there is someone at the door, please stand back a minimum of 6 feet and wait until they leave to approach the entrance. In most cases, pick up and drop off can occur outside unless there is a need to enter the daycare. This will reduce the contamination of surfaces.

The daycare operational hours will be from 7:30am – 5:00pm. Your individual contracted hours will still be in effect.

Field Trips/Outings

During the duration of the pandemic, we will not be leaving the daycare property.

During the pandemic, all lunches must be prepared and ready for children to eat (ie. apple cut in slices, grapes cut in half, etc).  All containers will be packed up to be washed at home.

Toys from home will not be permitted to come to daycare. All soft toys (stuffed animals, soft dolls, doll clothing, etc.) will not used in care during the pandemic.  There will be a limited number of toys available at one time for the children to play with due to disinfection procedures.

All toys and daycare surfaces will be disinfected daily and as necessary throughout the day.

Handwashing with plain soap and water is the single most effective way to reduce the spread of illness. Everyone should practice diligent hand hygiene. Antibacterial soap is not needed. Handwashing will be done frequently - upon arrival, before and after eating, after toileting, after outdoor play and before going home for the day. Children will be taught to cough or sneeze into their elbow then wash their hands or use hand sanitizer if outside.

Face masks are not mandatory at this time.

If the daycare is required to quarantine, fees are still payable. If you choose to keep your child home, fees are still payable, unless you have given appropriate notice (one month’s written notice) and permanently release your childcare space.

Non Compliance to Policies & Procedures
Failure to adhere to these policies and procedures is just cause for immediate termination of care. Refunds will not be issued. 

Revisions to Policies & Procedures
As new information becomes available these Covid-19 policies and procedures are subject to change.  If it becomes necessary to amend the current policies, you will be notified and required to sign the updated version. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work through Covid-19 together.


Scallywags Childcare

​Covid-19 Policies and Procedures